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Savannah Home Watch Services
Serving the Downtown Savannah/Historic District with the communities of:
What we do
Home Watch, Pre/Post Storm Checks, Key Holder, and Concierge Services

The Conversation You Should Be Having When Leaving Your Home Unoccupied
“Water heater in vacation mode? Check. Mail forwarded? Check. Honey, did you forward the mail?”
“Yes, dear. Everything on the list is done.”
“Did you send an email to Richard at Secure Home Services, the Home Watch guy, to let him know we are leaving today?”
“Yes, dear.”
“Honey, aren’t you putting the porch furniture in the garage?”
“I’m going to let Richard do that this year. He will take a picture of it before he puts it away and will set it back up before we return.”
“Good idea. I remember last year, all that moving was hard on your back. You almost injured yourself right before we were ready to leave.”
“I remember that too. I realized I need to be practical and let Richard handle the hard stuff.”
“Talk about hitting the easy button. One of the greatest things I’ve done is hiring Richard our home watch service provider. He looks after our home and takes care of things while we are out for the summer. Now, Jason and his wife can stay at our home while we are gone. One call to Richard and he gets the house ready for them when they come and shuts everything down when they leave.”
“I remember a couple of years ago we forgot and left our home unlocked. Even in a gated community, we are not immune from theft. Some service providers on their lunch break were checking houses to see if any were unlocked. Thankfully, a few days earlier, Richard noticed our door was unlocked and locked it during his routine house check. Joe and Barbara left their door unlocked and got robbed. They didn’t even know they were robbed until four months later when they got home. That could have been our home. Thankfully it wasn’t. I wised up and got someone to take care of our home while we are away. I told my unfortunate neighbor about Richard and Secure Home Services and now he uses Richard too. He couldn’t thank me enough.”
Thirty minutes after leaving their home for the season…
“Oh, Honey! I think I left my yogurt on the counter! Should we turn around?”
“No need my dear. I’ll let Richard know. He’ll take care of it.”
“We can rest at ease while we are away knowing we have Richard. Our home is in great hands!”
Hello, I am Richard Babcock, the owner of Secure Home Services. This is the type of conversation you will be having when you leave your home to our care. We want to make sure your home is well taken care of while you are away and is in its best shape when you return. As an accredited member of the National Home Watch Association (NHWA), we subscribe to its code of ethics. We have been vetted, bonded and insured. We use home watch industry standards as a guide for developing our Home Watch Checklist which we also customize based on your wants and needs.