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Our Home Watch Services
Together, we will develop the best solution for taking care of your home when you are away!
Our Home Watch Standards
We don’t just show up with a checklist and tell you this is the plan for taking care of your home when you are away.
Our basic checklist has been developed based on industry best practices as outlined by the National Home Watch Association. We use this as the starting point to develop a customized checklist for your home with your input. Together we will map out your concerns and integrate them into your home’s checklist.
Below is a sample of what we will be looking for when we check your home on a weekly or every other week schedule.
Exterior of home:
- Remove junk mail/flyers from mailbox and front door
- Inspect yard and planting beds for trash and weeds
- Monitor landscaping
- Perform visual inspection of siding, roof, and gutters for obvious issues
- Check for drainage issues
- Check doors and windows for signs of break-in
- Inspect for vandalism
- Inspect for obvious insect infestation or pest presence
- Check exterior lighting
- Check pool/spa for obvious issues
- Water outside plants
Interior of home:
- Ensure security system is functioning
- Check fire/smoke/CO2 alarms
- Check temperature/humidity settings on thermostats
- Check for vandalism
- Inspect for obvious pest presence or insect infestation
- Check for water leaks
- Run water in sinks and baths – check under sinks
- Flush stagnant water in toilets
- Run garbage disposal
- Check appliances (cycle dishwasher & washing machine monthly)
- Check windows and doors
- Check lights and fans
- Check breaker box
- Check water heater/water system
- Inspect air filter(s)
- Change timers on lights
- Water inside plants
- Maintain golf cart, vehicles

Additional Services
- Emergency services day hours (8am to 5pm)
- Emergency services after hours (5pm to 8am)
- Starting or running vehicles/driving vehicles
- Forwarding Mail
- Handyman, small repair
- Service stand-by (includes staying at the house while a contractor makes a repair/installation, staying at the house during a window of time waiting for a drop-off, etc)
- Opening house for service provider
- Closing and securing home after service provider leaves
- Trip to home for special service request
- Changing smoke detector batteries
- Closing services (Per request of the client and tailored to the client’s needs. Examples of this would be set HVAC and water heaters to away settings, unplugging washers and dryer, shut-off valves to toilets, turn-off water to the house, covering furniture, bringing in patio furniture, removing perishables from the refrigerator, etc.)
- Opening Services (Per request of the client and tailored to client’s needs. Examples of this would be turn on all water mains, turn on water heater, plug in washer and dryer, adjust AC settings, open blinds, uncover furniture, contact cleaning service, etc)
- Pre-storm or Post-storm inspections (available only to existing Home Watch clients)
-We will send out an alert email if there is a tropical storm or hurricane warning for the area. At your request, we will check on your home pre-storm to ensure that all furniture is inside, and all shutters are down and perform any special requests for your property. Post-storm, as soon as local emergency services deem safe, Secure Home Services will inspect your property, look for visible signs of damage, take photos, and send a detailed report to owner. - Administration Fee (Consisting of but not limited to, researching contractors, gathering information or quotes for the client on their behalf, overseeing a project or arranging appointments or meeting with contractors/ service providers.)